As of May 14, the CDC has lifted its mask mandate for vaccinated people. For businesses like ours, this creates many challenges as there is no clear roadmap on how to handle “getting back to normal.” What we can tell you is that the team at Center for Animal Health is very excited to announce that our clinic is back open to clients! We are thrilled to have face-to-face interaction with you again. Believe us when we say we have missed you so much!

As we have learned through these COVID-times, things are always changing, but as of today:

  • We still require you to contact the practice by phone (414-771-7387) upon your arrival at the practice to checkin for your scheduled appointment.
  • You may request curbside service or a limited access doctor appointment; please let us know which you prefer when scheduling your appointment.
    • Curbside Service – Complete the Curbside Exam Form to detail any medical concerns and/or requests you have for your pet’s appointment. Contact the practice upon your arrival, remain in your car until we let you know that we’re ready for your pet’s appointment, and we’ll exchange your pet at the door to the clinic. The doctor will examine your pet inside the clinic, and you will be asked to provide a contact number for the doctor to discuss her findings and review treatment recommendations. At the end of the appointment, we’ll call you for payment and return your pet and a payment receipt to you. We can also e-mail or mail a printed paid invoice to you.
    • Limited Access Doctor Appointment – Contact the practice upon your arrival and remain in your car until we let you know we’re ready for your pet’s appointment. Up to two adult family members may enter the clinic; we’ll meet you at the front door, weigh your pet upon entering the clinic, and escort you and your pet to an exam room where you’ll wait for the doctor. Check-out will also occur while you’re in the exam room. Once any follow-up appointments are scheduled, you and your pet will be free to leave.
    • Surgeries, Dental Procedures – Contact the practice upon your arrival and remain in your car until we let you know we’re ready for your pet’s check-in. When staff are ready to admit your pet for their procedure, we will contact you to meet us at the door of the clinic, weigh your pet upon entering the clinic, and escort you and your pet to an exam room where pre-operative information will be documented and/or signed.
  • Food or medication pick-up will continue as a curbside service only. You may submit refill requests through our website, or by calling the clinic at (414) 771-7387. Once we’ve filled your pet’s medications, we will notify you when they are ready to be picked up. Once you arrive to the clinic, please contact the clinic by phone and we will collect payment then exchange your pet’s medication(s) at the front door. You may also order medication/food refills directly from our online store – Vets First Choice (also accessed via our website) – and have them shipped directly to your front door.

We would like to proactively address the elephant in the room, which is our mask policy.

  • At this time, per CDC guidelines, we will be allowing fully vaccinated individuals into the clinic without facemasks. Please note that we will not be checking vaccine cards to validate those clients have been fully vaccinated, but we do take the health and safety of our team very seriously so please be respectful of our policy and ONLY enter without a mask if you are fully vaccinated.
  • We are also allowing our fully vaccinated team members to make their own personal choice regarding wearing a mask.
  • Non- vaccinated/partially vaccinated team members at our hospital will continue to wear masks.
  • If you are uncomfortable with this policy, we are happy to provide curbside service for you and your pet. Please just communicate that to us when scheduling your appointment.

You all have been wonderful throughout this pandemic. Our staff is happy we are going to be seeing each of you again. As we receive more information in the weeks to come, we will make appropriate adjustments to our procedure. Our goal is a return to normal. We will continue to send new information out to you as our policies change so you can remain

Once again, thank you so much for your continued support and understanding. We can’t wait to see you!

With gratitude,  

The Center for Animal Health Team